Missions Hoenecke Scholarship Fund Application

4Application Forms
  • Dear Applicant,
    The intent of the donors to this fund is to provide financial assistance for education. Once this Application has been fully completed it will be reviewed by Missions to verify all required documents are complete. The Administrative Committee representative will be notified to assess the Application and, if they sponsor it, will send it to the WELS Board for World Missions (BWM) for consideration. All scholarship determinations are ultimately made by the WELS BWM.

    The process may take some time (three months is typical) so it is important that the Application be submitted well in advance of the time funds may be needed. Also, incomplete Applications may delay the process and award consideration. It is assumed that the applicant is a member in good standing of a national congregation in fellowship with WELS.

    Eligibility (Applicant may qualify as one of the following):
    1. To needy, deserving nationals preparing to become trained workers in the church, particularly those studying for pastoral ministry.
    2. To national pastors who are doing postgraduate studies relating to their ministry.
    3. To nationals attending worker training seminars.
    4. To nationals intending to attain a medical training degree which would benefit a WELS or national medical mission or their local congregation.
    5. To such others of our fellowship whose needs in preparing for service in their congregations, our mission fields or national churches are in harmony with those listed in the foregoing points, 1-4.
    6. To nationals and expatriate mission workers when they participate together in workshops, classes, and seminars for the purpose of strengthening their personal God-given gifts for use in the Lord’s kingdom work.

    Use of Funds
    This Fund is supported solely with private donations and is not supported by the WELS budget. Accountability for the designated use of funds is the responsibility of WELS BWM. It is therefore preferred that funds are used for direct charges such as tuition's, teaching materials, school or course fees, etc. However, funds may be used for related expenses such as uniforms, transport, food, lodging if necessary. Awarded funds may not be transferred to another person. Funds are awarded only on an annual basis therefore multi-year educational programs require new applications each year with evidence that previous awards resulted in proper grades and progress. There are no guarantees of award in advance. Scholarship funds awarded will be paid in local currency from the WELS mission office on field. Funds may be directly paid to awardees or to schools as requested.

    Application Forms (all A-E must be included)
    Be prepared to upload all of the following documents on the last page of this form.

    A. Cover letter (including how the education would benefit your local congregation).
    B. Letter from the school with tuition rates and Applicant’s eligibility for admission.
    C. Reference letter from your local congregation pastor.
    D. Statement of the amount requested in local and United States currency and proposed use of funds.
    E. If the request is for an additional funding year then grade transcripts or progress reports from the school or program are required.
    G. Other reference letters (optional).
  • Can't finish the form? Enter your e-mail address on the General tab (page 2) and select the Save for Later link. An e-mail will be sent to you with a link to return to the form.

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Ref: Missions Hoenecke Scholarship Fund Application